Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Stay Inspired

The ordinary life I mentioned is pretty boring and at times overwhelming, but I have something to aspire to-always stay inspired!

When I do have free time, there are too many other things to take up that time. I want to be able to keep up with my friends and spend time with them. I want to get all of my errands done quickly. I want to have time to relax and enjoy myself once in a while, whether that means sleeping in, relaxing in front of the tv, or enjoying my favorite foods. And top of all of that, I want plenty of time to devote to my writing.

Life doesn't work that way. We don't always get what we want and we rarely have enough time, especially when we have to spend so much of our time chasing money to survive.

As I was thinking about this the other day, I remembered that my time being taken up by work was once an inspiration for a song called Money Owns Me. That's an example of a way to stay inspired, even when life seems boring, dull, tiring, or stuck in the same place for a long period of time. Sometimes it's hard to follow your dreams or accomplish all the things you want to do, but no matter what, stay inspired.


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